Best Tracks of 2015

Crikey, it gets a little bit addictive this Best Things of the Year stuff, both from a creator and consumer point of view. I have had a genuinely good rattle through every possible Best Album, Best Track, Best Film, Best Jumper list I can find and I still feel the need to keep looking. Not entirely sure what for though, maybe just the simple constant affirmation that people need favourites lists as much as me. As Nick Hornby said in High Fidelity (the mixtape makers bible), “What really matters is what you like, not what you are like”. Not sure what that says about me so lets skim over it and concentrate on the music.

So far, I’ve only published a little Best Album of 2015 list of my own and even that included just four albums, so if in the world there can be allowed to exist a ‘Best Pet Names of the Year’ list and a ‘Best Political Debates of 2015’ list, I think I can indulge myself in listing my favourite tracks of 2015 too. We are Tracksuite, after all.  And it is Christmas.