Full Swayze

My favourite album of this year is Hi Honey by Low Cut Connie. That's it. That's what I wanted to say. Simply my attempt to push sincerity through as quietly but firmly as possible; no exclamation marks, not overly hyperbolic and no excessive information cluttering up the core point to be made. 20 years ago, upon hearing or reading this from any source, I would have clattered arse over tit in a rush to fully immerse my head in all facts, sounds and irrelevant nonsense the artist in discussion had to offer. But now - well to be honest now I'm not that much different except for the fact that I can't really rush anywhere for fear of injury but also I have the ageing disability of cynicism to contend with as well. It has its place though, because, put simply, there are so very few great albums out there. Hang on though, without sounding too dad about it, let me be clear - there always were very few great albums out there. There are consistently great acts and songs and all the accompanying periphery - but I think when it comes to the album, people are often far too quick to proclaim its glory. Usually if it's got 3 (or maybe even 4) stand out tracks then the next seemingly obvious conclusion is that its a great album. and I don't buy it anymore. In all respects. The wage packet, for one thing, simply has other commitments these days. Where once I would empty the full coffers on to the record store counter and buy up and into everything that any fleeting stranger once told me about - well now that urge must be fought and only those fully deserving can be the recipient of my discerning but still oh so music hungry dollar. And there's certainly the choice out there.  I don't believe there's any more actual music than ever there was, despite many claims, it's just the choice of ways to access music and music info now would have made my younger self's fan brain implode. So much so that it must be not only extremely difficult for the artist to compete in such a market but even to sustain the motivation to attempt a full traditional album in the first place. But they still do. Of course they do - its what they do. and I'm very glad they do. Because I am of that aforementioned age - and I do enjoy the album. Well, the great ones anyway. Of which, this year, there have been a few:

This is seriously good.

With this track on it easily topping my top 20 tracks of the year:

 And this is quite special.

With this cover of Richard and Linda Thompsons 'End of the Rainbow' well worth a listen (but beware of heartbreaking bleakness):

And this:

Although I fully understand you may quickly dismiss the proclamations of some random new blogger on the scene (why would you do that?) but if you haven't already, please do check out my recommendation for album of the year 2015, Low Cut Connie - Hi Honey. Like singer Adam Weiner hollers on the brilliant ‘Shake it Little Tina’ and as we stumble merrily into the seasonal rollick – “Everybodys going crazy, Im gonna go Full Swayze”. Indeed.